Professional Conference, August 22nd: “More Food from the Oceans – With Fisheries into the Green Shift”

Foredragsholder fagkonferanse 2022

The importance of productive and sustainable fisheries, as part of the solution to the world’s food crises, was on this year’s agenda even before global logistics challenges and Russia’s invasion of Ukraine worsened the situation. The challenges are great, but the potential is enormous.

This year’s conference focuses on the available resources in the sea and the development of new harvesting technology. In addition, we delve into some of the limiting factors for the development of wild fishing.

— This year we present a professional program that emphasize the wild marine resources found in the sea, and how they can be harvested and used in a sustainable way. This is a very relevant topic, not only in Norway, but also in a global perspective, says Karl Andreas Almås, special adviser and aquaculture expert at Sintef Ocean and co-organizer of the conference.

Time: Monday, August 22nd, 9:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Clarion Hotel Trondheim

Price: NOK 1495,-
Includes: Participation, lunch, and two servings of coffee/ fruit/ snacks

If you have registered, log in via the link you received in the email from and order a ticket for the dinners. If you need support contact:

Broad program that highlights global issues

This year’s conference should excite businesses and fishermen, governments and government institution, technology enthusiasts, equipment suppliers, product developers, researchers, and academics – to name but a few. In short, few one-day programs encompass as many important and current topics as this year’s conference.

The presentations are given by leading researchers and professionals who are hand-picked from their fields, including Michaela Aschan from UiT, sustainability director Ragnhild Dragøy from Aker Biomarine, Elisabeth Gabrielsen from the Ministry of Fisheries and Secretary General Karoline Andaur from the WWF World Wildlife Fund.

The conference is held in English.

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This year’s program

The conference is divided into three distinct parts. The first part deals with the available resources that exist and looks at how they are affected by climate change. We also shed light on area challenges in the ocean, by focusing on how fishing, farming, wind farms, seaweed and kelp production must coexist in the same areas – as well as the opportunities for productive cooperation.

After lunch, we examine practical and technical perspectives, when we hear about new fishing vessels and harvesting technology – including technology for sustainable harvesting of species further down the food chain. Control and monitoring of overfishing is an important issue.

The conference concludes with an examination of factors limiting the extraction of raw materials from the sea. We will hear from financial institutions that are required to consider sustainability perspectives when they make their investments. We will also investigate some ethical perspectives. The day ends with a panel debate.

09:00-10:00Registration , mingling 
10:00-10:15Welcome address
10:15-12:00Focus on resources (global outlook) 
10:15-10:30Fisheries, a part of the solution to the climate challengePetter Haugan , Havforskningsinstituttet
10:30-10:45Climate change: Moving fish stocksMichaela Aschan, Professor at UiT
10:45-11:00Harvestable production in an ice-free arctic oceanDr. Ingrid Ellingsen, Senior Scientist at SINTEF Ocean
11:00-11:15How to obtain an effective cooperation ?Director General Ministry of Trade, Industry and Fisheries
11:15-12:00Round table discussionGlobal food crisis: Contribution from the fisheries
13:00-14:00Focus on harvesting 
13:00-13:15The future fishing vessel – more CO2 efficient and ecosystem friendlyTerje Thorsnes, Senior geologist Geological Survey of Norway
13:15-13:30New harvest technologyRoger Larsen, Associate professor UiT, The Arctic University of Norway
13:30-13:45AKBM-hoe to integrate sustainability in fisheriesRagnhild Dragøy, Director of Sustainability, Aker Biomarine
13:45-14:00Harvest controlHege Hammersland, Business Development Manager at Scantrol Deep Vision
14:00-14:30Coffee break 
14:30-16:00Factors limiting more food from the oceans 
14:30-14:45Limiting factors for growthHarald Hansen, CEO at Fávli WWF
14:45-15:00“Sustainabllity as a basis for investment”Ola Neråsen, CRO SpareBank 1 SMN
15:00-15:15Ethical harvest and handling.Stein Harris Olsen, Nofima
15:15-15:30Total utilization of marine raw materialsPh.d. Ana Karina Carvajal, Research Manager in Sintef Ocean
15:30-15:45Round table discussionGlobal food crisis: Total utilization of the global harvest
15:45End, concluding remarks 

If you have registered, log in via the link you received in the email from and order a ticket for the dinners. If you need support contact: