The finalists – Innovation Award 2024
25. June 2024 · Ukategorisert
Many relevant applications have been received this year for the Nor-Fishing’s Innovation Award. The jury has gone through all the applications and nominated three candidates for the Innovation Award. The board of the Nor-Fishing Foundation will select the winner, and the award will be presented at Nor-Fishing 2024.
The jury
The jury has consisted of Kari Lisbeth Fjørtoft from Hofseth International AS (formerly Møreforsking AS), Oddvar Staulen from Innovation Norway, Kjell Maroni from FHF and Jan Henrik Sandberg from The Norwegian Fishermen’s Association. The head of the jury was Oddbjørn Rygvold Rødsten.
After processing and assessing the applications for the Stiftelsen Nor-Fishing’s Innovation Award, the jury has nominated the following three final candidates in random order:
- Mørenot Fishery AS
- Ava Ocean
- Norseye AS
Mørenot Fishery AS – Semicircular Ground Gear
Mørenot Fishery AS has developed a new tool for bottom trawling that significantly reduces the impact and damage on the seabed compared to traditional equipment. The Semicircular Ground Gear (SSG) invention lifts the trawl so that it flies/glides over the seabed, while at the same time reducing the possibility of the fish escaping under the trawl.
The invention contributes to both increased fishing efficiency, reduced towing time, lower fuel consumption and reduced impact on the seabed. The concept has been tested in flume tanks, in full scale research fishing, and most recently also in commercial fishing with good results.
Ava Ocean AS – Ava Ray
Ava Ocean has developed a new concept for harvesting shells and other organisms from the seabed, without negative impact on the seabed Ava Ray is a harvesting concept that can pick shells and other benthic animals from the seabed with high precision in a gentle and efficient way.
The concept has undergone thorough testing in recent years and can document good results. The company can demonstrate good cooperation with leading research institutions, regulatory bodies and funding institutions. The technology can contribute to reopen central fishing areas for commercial fishing by allowing this to be carried out in a gentle way that does not da mage the seabed and the environment in general. This enables access to large resources that are currently not being utilized.
Norseye AS – Norseye App
Norseye AS has developed a safety management system for commercial vessels that includes digital and operational safety management. The innovation lies in the link between a digital, app-based security management system in combination with a 24/7 operated emergency center offering professional assistance.
With this product, Norseye addresses improved safety and preparedness at sea. This is important work both for those who carry out their profession at sea on a daily basis, and for society in general, as major accidents and incidents at sea can often have major environmental consequences.
Norseye App makes available information that is critical in handling incidents such as key data about vessels, live information from relevant vessel sensors, emergency data from other vessels in the vicinity, as well as a staffed emergency center that can support the shipping company in the event of incidents before their own organization is established, and during the incident if desirable.