Aqua Nor 2021 Digital
Aqua Nor 2021 is carried out as both a physical and digital trade fair. The digital part of Aqua Nor 2021 will be a central international meeting point for players in the aquaculture industry and an arena for presentation, dialogue and trade between exhibitors and visitors – online.
Read about the digital platform in the brochure. Press “fullscreen”-symbol on the brochure to read in fullscreen.
You’ll find answers to the most frequently asked questions about the digital exhibition and -platform below:
Q: What does the digital part of Aqua Nor 2021 consist of?
A: The digital part of Aqua Nor 2021 mainly consists of two parts:
4 parallel channels with varying programmes from the exhibition, including i.a.:
- Presentation of exhibitors
- Exciting lectures
- Varied professional / academic programme
- The Research Plaza
- Panel debates
- Student programme / recruitment
The digital exhibition
All exhibitors have their own digital stand.
Here they present the company and its products, make contacts and have a dialogue with digital visitors.
In 2020, we arranged Nor-Fishing 2020 Digital, which so far is Norway’s largest fully digital trade fair.
Q: Who can participate in the digital part of the fair?
A: Exhibitors: All companies that qualify as exhibitors at Aqua Nor 2021 can participate in the digital part of this year’s trade fair. The company registers on our website in the usual way and receives the necessary information to access the digital platform.
Visitors: Anyone can participate as a visitor, either with a PC or mobile phone / tablet. All you have to do is register via our website and buy a ticket to the event. You will receive a login by e-mail which gives you access to the digital part of Aqua Nor together with a QR code for the physical part of the exhibition.
Q: How do we participate as an exhibitor?
A: You will be sent information to log on as an exhibitor to set up your digital stand as you wish. Logo, choice of colour schemes, information, brochures, videos, contact information, links to website and social media and more can easily be entered here.
Q: What does it cost to participate as an exhibitor?
A: The Aqua Nor 2021 registration fee is NOK 7 500, – and covers the company’s participation in the digital part of Aqua Nor 2021.
Q: What does it cost to participate for visitors?
A: Tickets for Aqua Nor 2021 cost NOK 990, – The ticket gives you full access to the physical exhibition all four days, and to the digital event from 1 August 2021 to 31 July 2022.
Q: What value does our company get from participating as an exhibitor in the digital part of the fair?
A: A big advantage of the digital part of Aqua Nor 2021 is that visitors can participate from anywhere in the world and at a time that suits them best (different time zones for example). This means that you as an exhibitor can meet a larger audience than those present during the four days of the physical exhibition. You can digitally meet visitors who for various reasons do not have the opportunity to be physically present in Trondheim during the exhibition. Your company thus reaches a much larger audience than previously.
Nor-Fishing 2020 became an all-digital trade event and had over 15 000 visitors and 222 exhibitors from 46 different countries. This shows that you can reach a large audience through our digital platform.
Q: How to make the best use of the digital trade fair?
A: In the same way as for the physical part of the exhibition, it is important to invite those that you want to contact also to the digital part of the fair. The experience from Nor-Fishing 2020 Digital showed a strong relationship between visibility and visits. If you want a lot of visits to your stand, it is important to invite as many people as possible, as well as consider whether you should market yourself in the livestream during the event. Good plans and good work in this area are important for success on the digital platform.
Consider whether you should have one or more persons dedicated to operating your digital stand. It can be demanding to serve physical as well as digital inquiries simultaneously during the exhibition period.
Banners on your own web pages, e-mail signatures and the like will have a good effect on making you more visible on the digital Aqua Nor.
Q: How long is the digital part of the fair open?
A: The digital platform opens on 1 August so that those who visit the fair physically and digitally have plenty of time to find out what is happening during the exhibition, whom you want to contact, etc.
It is possible to arrange meetings in advance. As a visitor, you can create a calendar for the days of the exhibition that contains appointments, professional conferences and other things you want to attend.
Prior to the opening of the digital platform, exhibitors will have made their preparations for the digital stand so that you can present yourself in the best possible way and are ready to receive the digital visitors.
The digital platform will be open for one full year, from 1 August 2021 to 31 July 2022. This means that your company is available and can be contacted for a full 12 months; a much longer market presence than the physical part of the exhibition can offer.
Will it be possible to participate as an exhibitor only digitally?
Yes, if your company does not have a stand at the physical exhibition, or for other reason cannot participate physically, it is entirely possible to only participate digitally. Registration takes place in the usual way and the registration fee covers participation in and access to the digital solutions for the exhibitors.
Q: Can several companies share the same stand or pavilion?
A: No. Each exhibitor must have their own digital stand. Exhibitors who want to belong to a common “pavilion” digitally can choose a common grouping / keyword so that they become searchable as a “pavilion” in the digital platform. Then all associated exhibitors will appear in the same search.
Q: Can you post a link to more than one website?
A: Yes, you can. This is done in connection with the digital stand design.
Q: Can you upload several videos?
A: Yes, you can upload several videos and photos. This is done in connection with the digital stand design.
Q: Who designs the digital stand?
A: In the digital platform, you can choose between several stand-alone options that have been set up. It is easy to customize and create your own appearance at the stand by adding your own logo, using your own colour schemes, and uploading all the content you want (photos, videos, brochures, links, etc.).
There are two levels of pre-designed stands. All participants at Aqua Nor 2021 will have access to a «silver stand», costing NOK 10 000. It is possible to upgrade to a “gold stand” that has even more features and capabilities. This costs an additional NOK 8 000.
If you want to take it a step further, it is possible to have the entire stand tailor-made from scratch. This is an option that will have to be priced in each individual case.
Q: What do the different digital stand options contain?

Q: How do we achieve the best possible visibility on the digital platform?
A: You can produce your own material (videos) that you want to broadcast in the livestreams, where you buy broadcast slots in the same way as sponsors do on TV or other digital platforms.
The digital stand can be adapted so that you reach your target audience with the desired message in the best possible way that attracts digital visitors.
There will also be a searchable product group register on the platform so that you can check the product groups that apply to you, making it easier for visitors to navigate through the exhibitor list.
Q: What does it cost to broadcast in the live stream and upgrade the stand?
A: A separate letter with prices will be sent out regarding the various marketing options for the digital platform.
Q: What format and content should a feature in the livestream have?
A: You will be sent information on how the format of your feature in the livestream should be. It could be that you already have a finished commercial you want to use, or that you want to make a tailor-made commercial for Aqua Nor 2021 Digital. If you have a finished commercial, it will be uploaded to a separate area we have access to.
If you have an existing partner who can make the promotional video for you, that’s fine. We can also offer assistance and advice together with our partners if you wish. They are professionals who are well acquainted with the format and content of the livestream, and who can assist you from A to Z in the production of a good commercial for Aqua Nor 2021 Digital.
Q: What profiling opportunities do we have as exhibitors at the digital trade fair?
A: All exhibitors have their own stand at the digital fair. In addition, you can buy profiling packages that provide visibility in the digital platform and trade fair app.