Erik Gåsvær is awarded YoungFisher of 2024

20. August 2024  ·  Ukategorisert

For the first time in history, the YoungFisher of the Year award is presented. The award is ment as an appreciation for young voices who contribute to developing the industry, and the winner of YoungFisher 2024 is fisherman Erik Gåsvær from Solund.

The award, which is new as of 2024, will be presented annually to a young voice who challenges the status quo, or initiates change in the industry.

This year’s award goes to the thirty-three-year-old fisherman Erik Gåsvær for his commitment to fishing rights, equality, and the quality of the produce harvested from the sea.

“Gåsvær is a class example of how to get involved and push for change,” says Hanna Bakke-Jensen, president of YoungFish.

Wishes to inspire

At the age of 16, he lacked motivation for a traditional education and was permitted to go herring fishing—and the rest is history, says the thirty-three-year-old when the Nor-Fishing foundation approached him after the presentation.

“I had the opportunity to set aside money and invest in my own vessels. I am partnered up with my cousin and we currently have six operating vessels. I truly have the best job in the world. The industry boasts so many talented people and I did not at all expect to win—the award is therefore a great honour.”

Gåsvær predicts that the award can help motivate and inspire young people in the future.

“It was difficult to become a fisherman when I was young; it is difficult to become a fisherman today; and it will be difficult in the future. But if you want to work hard, the world’s best profession awaits you, and I believe that such an award, which draws attention to committed young people, can help attract more people to the profession.”

The jury’s reasoning:

The jury consists of representatives from YoungFish, the industry, and the media. The jury highlights Gåsvær as an example of how young voices can get involved in their own sector. Gåsvær has advocated for fishing rights, equality, and the quality of the raw produce harvested from the sea on several occasions.

YoungFisher—a new award

The award has been established by the organization YoungFish to celebrate its 10th anniversary. With over 3,000 members, the organization provides a network to make acquaintances for its members and aims to facilitate the development of the seafood industry.

We congratulate Erik Gåsvær on the award!