Nor-Fishing 2024 becomes a three-day exhibition
4. November 2022 · Ukategorisert
Nor-Fishing 2024 will be a three-day exhibition, held from Tuesday 20 th to Thursday 22nd of August. The decision was made by the Board of the Nor-Fishing Foundation, after multiple requests from the exhibitors.
Moving forward, both Nor-Fishing and its sister exhibition Aqua Nor becomes three-day exhibitions. The Board agrees with the feedback from exhibitors, that the change will improve the overall quality of the exhibition – resulting in three compact exhibition days, filled to the brim with memorable experiences.
— We’re excited to share the news with the exhibitors, who we know welcomes the change. We look forward to three energetic days, and to arrange what we believe will be the best version of Nor-Fishing so far, says Kristian Digre, CEO at the Nor-Fishing Foundation.

Opening hours and student day
The opening hours will remain the same: The doors to Trondheim Spektrum open at 10 AM and closes at 5 PM.
Friday, known as the student day, has been an important day for recruitment. The student activities will be moved to Thursday. Hopefully, this change will create even more meetings between established companies and the bright minds of the future.
Nor-Fishing Conference kickstarts the exhibition
The Nor-Fishing-conference kicks off on Monday August 19th. The science and research program will continue throughout all three exhibition days.
We look forward to meeting you at Nor-Fishing 2024!