Positive response for Nor-Fishing Digital in the industry
3. July 2020 · Ukategorisert
The news that Nor-Fishing 2020 will go digital has been met with a very positive response. The digital exhibition is like an interactive TV program – with guests in the studio, presentations of goods and services, professional panel debates and of course festive reports.
The attitude to digital trade shows has already been checked with visitors and exhibitors – and Kari Steinsbø, exhibition manager at Nor-Fishing, says that as many as nine out of ten visitors want to participate.
The industry’s most important meeting place
The interaction between visitors and exhibitors has long made Nor-Fishing the industry’s most important meeting place. Creating this marketplace at Nor-Fishing Digital is the Nor-Fishing Foundation’s most important goal.
Steinsbø says that the digital platform will be a meeting place for exhibitors and potential customers, and that the Foundation is working to put in place a solution where visitors can book one-on-one meetings with the exhibitors.
– There will also be a live chatroom function that visitors can use to participate in debates and ask questions, she adds.
Professional guidance to the exhibitors
Kristian Digre, CEO of the Nor-Fishing Foundation, says that about 150 exhibitors have so far confirmed their participation and that many are interested in the concept. Digre assures all exhibitors that they will receive good guidance ahead of the event.
– We collaborate with professional operators with long experience in television production. Exhibitors will have a professional team prepping them in advance, as well as continuous practical information from us at Nor-Fishing.
All exhibitors are included in the exhibitor’s catalog for visitors to search.
– Exhibitors who choose studio time receive personal follow-up from the event’s project manager Digre adds.

The programme
The Nor-Fishing Foundation team is now working hard to complete the program for this year’s digital event. A sneak preview of the program reveals that the original program is largely transferred to the digital version of the exhibition.
– We are working to confirm guests, exhibitors, panelists and politicians. The program will last between four and five hours daily, from August 18 to 20, says Steinsbø, who encourages visitors to attend the fair with colleagues.
Digre is pushing for the program to be exciting and varied with political debates, academic lectures, the presentation of the Innovation Award winner and of course a number of exciting exhibitors – to name a few examples of the things that can be expected from the fair.
– One of the benefits of holding the exhibition digitally is that both exhibitors and visitors now get to experience all the elements of the exhibition. During the physical exhibition, parts of the program run in parallel, and then one must choose what to participate in. Nor-Fishing Digital will be like a chronological TV program. In addition, all elements will be available on the website after the event, he says.
There will also be the celebration of Nor-Fishing’s 60th anniversary in the form of retrospectives and interviews of exhibitors and others who have played an important role for the exhibition over the years.
No limitations
The digital platform that this year’s exhibition is broadcast on has no capacity limitations on how many can participate. Since visitors can follow the event from all over the world, the threshold for participation is far lower.
– All costs associated with visitor participation are eliminated this year and visitors can see the program from the exhibition on our website whenever it suits them, so we are set for a new visitor record this year, says an excited Steinsbø.
The Nor-Fishing website will be constantly updated with information – stay tuned for the latest news on Nor-Fishing Digital!