New board established at the Nor-Fishing Foundation
12. March 2020 · Ukategorisert
Kjell Ingebrigtsen, appointed by the Norwegian Fisheries Association, was elected as the new chairman of board of the Nor-Fishing Foundation at the board meeting on March 11, 2020. Guri Lerøy Riple, appointed by Seafood Norway, was elected Deputy Chairman.
Chairman with long experience from the industry
Kjell Ingebrigtsen is a former professional fisherman from Bodø and has a long experience in the industry. Since 2013, Ingebrigtsen has been a leader in the Norwegian Fisheries Association.
We also take this opportunity to thank the outgoing chairman, Mrs. Liv Holmefjord, for many years of dedicated service to the Foundation.
The Board now consists of the following members:
Kjell Ingebrigtsen, appointed by the Norwegian Fisheries Association. New Chairman of the Board.
Guri Lerøy Riple, appointed by Seafood Norway. New Deputy Chairman.
Trond Davidsen, appointed by Seafood Norway. Board Member.
Rigmor Abel, appointed by the Norwegian Seafood Council. Board Member.
Vigdis Harsvik, appointed by Innovation Norway. Board Member.
Jan Birger Jørgensen, appointed by the Norwegian Fisheries Association. Board Member.
Morten Wolden, appointed by the municipality of Trondheim. Board Member.