Nor-Fishing Digital

Discover everything that happened during Nor-Fishing 2024

This year’s Nor-Fishing was thoroughly covered through video. We even made 3 special episodes for you where we explore exciting industry challenges and try to find good answers to them. Make sure to take a look at these episodes and all the other content from Nor-Fishing 2024.

Watch the highlights from Nor-Fishing 2024

We have uploaded some of the highlights from the exhibition for you to watch.

Highlights from
day 1

Highlights from
day 2

Highlights from
day 3

Streetfood & Mingle Party –

Dinner & Show –

The Grand Dinner –

Look at some of the challenges we discussed at this year’s exhibition

We asked relevant industry players for their challenge 👇

Official program Wednesday 21 August

Anders Padøy (Corvus Energy): Advancing sustainable marine practices

Dr. Ingunn Marie Holmen: Consequences of offshore wind development on fisherie

Master of Science Ina Helene Ahlquist: The green transition for coastal fishing vessels

Monica Langeland: a pioneering approach to shrimp fishing

Helene Thorstensen: Area needs and coexistence of the Norwegian fishing industry

Chief scientist Rachel Tiller (Sintef Ocean) on RFMO-BBNJ-GBF synergies

Bernt Lilliestråle (Moen Marin): Green transitions in fisheries

Nils Roar Hareide: Knowledge acquisition about consequence and effects from offshore wind

Ranjan Naik (Blue Nau AS): Sustainable fish-silage tanker design

Jacob Grieg Eide: Deep Vision CamSounder real-time monitoring technology

Caryl Benjamin (DNV): MARCO – MARine CO-existence scenario building

Chief scientist Rachel Tiller (Sintef Ocean): Automatic catch registration as a tool

Mr. R. Amarfio: Marine spatial planning and sustainable marine environment

Anette Zimowski (Ava Ocean) Pioneering non-invasive scallop harvesting

Research scientist Emily Cowen: The plastics treaty and fisheries

Sanna Matsson (Møreforskning AS) on tunikelp- co-cultivation

Vebjørns Modelboats and Fisherbenny

Special episodes

Watch episode 1: Green Fishing

Watch episode 2:
Food or Feed?

Watch episode 3: Where is the fish?

Debate: Fish as food supply during a crisis

Vebjørn’s model boat

Interview with
Maritime Montering

Interview with the Innovation award winner

The Opening Ceremony of
Nor-Fishing 2024

Reception at the
Archbishops Palace

Rediscover the Nor-Fishing Conference

Below you will find all the exciting lectures from this year’s Nor-Fishing Conference. Make sure to take a look.

Conference day –

Effects of climate change on fisheries

Future perspectives on fishing gear technology

Status and potential of fisheries to provide seafood

Quantification of mesopelagic resources

Market for green
transition energies

Green technologies for fishing vessels

Green vessel (2) Pelagic: Selvåg Senior

Financing (ESG krav)

Green vessel (2) Coastal: Hydrogen vessel

Food or feed: Why are we eating less seafood?

Green Fishing: How can we make the industry more sustainable?

Why is Nor-Fishing an important meeting place?